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Organic Research

Throughout this history, the focus of agricultural research, and the majority of publicized scientific findings, has been on chemical, not organic farming. Surprisingly, few empirical analyses studies have addressed the question of pesticide residue on produce. Many believe that eating organic foods does help children ingest fewer pesticides, since logically organic foods would have significantly less pesticide residue than nonorganics, but no actionable studies have been conducted. Although this is obviously very important.

Additionally, hardly anyone has done any serious work on just how much more nutritious organic food might be over traditionally produced produce. Some studies have concluded that organic produce contains less nitrate, especially in leaf vegetables. Others claim organic fruits and vegetables taste more "farm fresh" than comparable conventional produce. The evidence that does exists seems to indicate that organic food is better for health. This has been accepted without question by consumers, many of whom choose organic produce primarily for health reasons.

Claims have also been made that organic food has its own health issues. The leading claim is that organic produce allegedly contain a higher level of naturally occurring poisons called mycotoxins. Meanwhile, consumer surveys have consistently identified food quality as the main reason for purchasing organic food.

About the Author
Francesca Black works in marketing at Organic Items and Pilates Shop leading portals for organic products and natural excercise.