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Top 10 Environmental Problems

Top 10 Environmental Problems

There is a growing amount of concern for the environment. The following is a list of some of the top environmental problems (numbered in no particular order):

1.) Anoxic Waters

Anoxic waters are areas of water (in the ocean, or elsewhere) that is depleted of dissolved oxygen. Living sea creatures, like fish, need this dissolved oxygen in order to survive. Many scientists are fearful that the British Petroleum oil spill has caused areas of anoxic waters in the Gulf, which would be devastating to the Gulf’s ocean inhabitants. Pollution, and oil spills like this can cause anoxic waters - creating essentially dead seas and oceans, devoid of all life.

2.) Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the weather over a period of time. Since the earth was formed, it has gone through many periods of climate change - the last one was the last ice age, which occurred approximately 20,000 years ago. Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned that humans are influencing the climate, making it increasingly hotter. If this happens, ocean levels will likely rise, wiping out land on the coasts of countries. It is believed that pollution, like carbon dioxide, contributes to the warming of our atmosphere.

3.) Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is the destruction of the environment through the depletion and usage of resources like air, water and soil. It is also the destruction of ecosystem, and the extinction of wildlife. Animals in the world are linked to one another - destroying the habitat of a single species can affect hundreds of others. Using up animal’s air, water and living space can cause this.

4.) Intensive Farming

Intensive farming, also called intensive agriculture, is characterized by large amounts of capital, labor, and heavy usage of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. This is liable to destroy the land, and negatively affect surrounding animal species. For example, pesticides commonly leak into nearby water sources, poisoning them, and all animals that might drink from them. The necessity of having food for our ever-expanding population causes this.

5.) Land Degradation

Land degradation is a when the environment is affected by humans (or human activities). This destroys the habitats of the animals that live there - and as stated previously, animals are all linked to each other, and hurting one’s habitat will in turn lead to hurting many. Chopping down forests, and even intensive farming (see above), can lead to this, and irreparable harm to the environment.

6.) Land Use

Land use is the modification of nature into man-made environment, whether it be a field for farming, or a parking lot for an incoming super-store. This can be equated to stealing the homes of animals. Animals are being forced to live together in smaller and smaller spaces, causing starvation. Building and expanding into forests will cause this.

7.) Overpopulation

Overpopulation is when an animal’s numbers exceeds how many a habitat can successfully handle. While we humans have not yet overpopulated the world (if we had, there would be rampant starvation), it is a cause for concern. China is a good example - it expanded too quickly, and had to institute a limit on how many children a family could bear.

8.) Ozone Depletion

Ozone depletion refers to the decline of the total amount of ozone in the earth’s stratosphere. Holes in the ozone are liable to heat the earth, accelerating climate change (see above). Human pollution causes this, and there are already several holes in the ozone.

9.) Pollution

Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into an system that can cause harm or discomfort to the ecosystem. Things like littering, or dumping waste, or non-green production factories are examples of polluting.

10.) Resource Depletion

Resource depletion refers to the usage and exhaustion of resources. For example, using up all of the coal, or oil, or water in a certain place. Due to the profits that can be made, companies are doing their best to drill for as much oil as they possibly can. This has lead to speculation that we could run out within the next twenty or so years.

About the Author
Noah Williams is an active environmentalist who provides educational environmental content to Organic Items and he occasionally posts content to Perennial Gardens

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